Hi! We are Alia and Delcia Johnson, 22 year old identical twin sisters from West Park, FL. We are Aftercare Counselors and aspiring high fashion models!

What motivated you to transition? Were you a transitioned or a Big Chopper & why?

We wanted to go natural because it got really annoying handling two different hair textures, visiting hair salons and having our mom pay for it. We first transitioned in our early years. Then we decided to get a texturizer for our senior prom, which damaged our hair a little. Also, we went to a hair stylist a few times to straighten our hair. The results were beautiful, but of course, the outcome was heat damage. So finally, we decided to Big chop April of this year!

How would you describe your hair?

Our hair consist of coils, tight curls, and corkscrews. Some parts are kinky. It’s very versatile. We can achieve an Afro when combing and it’s pretty long when we straighten or blow dry. Our hair tends to dry quickly and when water hits it we get total shrinkage!

What do you love most about your hair?

Having many options! Learning and trying new hairstyles and the freedom of having our own hair!

What has been the most memorable part of your journey?

Alia: The most memorable would have to be the learning and experiencing process of my hair with myself and other naturals! I would consider the journey somewhat easy. I’m a patient person. Everything will happen and come in time. It’s just the beginning!

Delcia: The most memorable would have to be the many different compliments and questions from others about our hair and ethnicity. I’m in a neutral standpoint with my hair, especially now during my short curly hair stage!! I get different moods, I really want it to be long again!!!!

What are (or were”> some of your favorite transitioning hairstyles or current dos?

Alia’s favorite transitioning styles: Twist outs and slick back pony tails and buns using gel.

Current favorite dos: Love wash-n-gos because they are quick and easy, also, cute curly fro results!

Delcia’s favorite transitioning styles: braids and plait outs, pulled up into a big puff using gel.

Current favorite dos: wash-n-gos, twist outs and braids out!

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