Congratulations on your new bundle of joy!

Though babies can be cute and adorable, they can also be demanding of our time and energy. When a child is born into a family, the parents–particularly you, the mother–will need to prioritize daily duties to suit your new lifestyle. For mothers with natural hair, this might mean changing the way you care for your hair while still maintaining a healthy head of hair. Here are 5 tips for maintaining your natural hair after giving birth.

1. Keep your regimen simple.

If you are a naturalista who likes to spend an entire Saturday on her hair, let me tell you right now, you probably won’t have that luxury anymore. While a 10-step hair care regimen can sound nice and wonderful, you simply will not have the time. The only care that your hair needs right now is a regular wash, deep condition and frequent moisturizing.

2. Re-adjust your hair regimen to suit your new lifestyle.

Were you single and only took care of yourself when you first went natural? Now that you have a new addition to your family, your awesome (but lengthy”> regimen might need to be put aside while you focus on caring for your baby. This doesn’t mean that the health of your hair should also take a seat. All you have to do is to update your current regimen in a way that best suits you and your baby.

3. Style your hair in between baby’s nap.

Since you can’t add more hours to the 24hours that you’ve been given, you can better manage your time and maximize the little hours that you have left for yourself by styling your hair in between your baby’s naps. Fortunately, newborns spend most of their time sleeping, which means that you can quickly squeeze in a quick shampoo, deep conditioning and styling while your baby naps. New mother, Nikki Mae of Natural Chica has learned to take advantage of this tip.

4. Put your hair away in a protective style.

Natural hair can be demanding when it’s left loose because it dries out faster and tangles quickly. Since taking care of a newborn can take up so much of your time, the best thing you can do to help manage your time is to minimize wearing your hair loose. Instead, you can opt for longer lasting hairstyles such as twists, corn rows or braids.

5. Get help when necessary.

If you have other children to take care of, you might not have the time and energy to take care for your hair as much as you would have loved to. To ensure that your hair remains in its healthiest state, seek the assistance of a licensed hairstylist or a friend to help you manage your hair while you take care of your newborn.

With planning and readjustments, it’s possible to still maintain a healthy head of hair, even with your busy schedule as a new mother.

New naturally curly mothers, how did you take care of your hair while taking care of your newborn?

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