Natasha Piette

NaturallyCurly: Please introduce yourself!

Natasha Piette: Hello! My name is Natasha and I am an American student attending the University of Essex, studying for a degree in International Development. I was born and raised in the U.S. and I have a mixture of West African and English roots.

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls, or have you always enjoyed and embraced your curls?

NP: I made the decision to embrace my curls right before heading off to college, when I was 17, after over three years of getting it chemically straightened. I was tired of spending hundreds of dollars on something that was damaging to my hair just for what was aesthetically “in” at the time. I didn’t want to have to worry about it in college, especially on a student budget. I figured that I was reaching a point in my life where I could be more carefree and accepting of myself as a naturally curly-haired girl. Plus, my family has always tried to convince me that natural is more beautiful.

NC: What is your current routine/regimen?

NP: I’m still trying to get accustomed to the curly transition. At the moment I am trying to find a solid routine and products that work best for my hair type, but it’s not easy. Hopefully that’s where NaturallyCurly can come in! I’m still searching for the best way to manage my curls. It tends to be mix-and-match when it comes to shampoos, conditioners and creams. My overall routine is quite simple. Wash, moisturize, dry and go!

NC: So from start to finish, on a curly day, what’s your process?

NP: I begin with washing my hair every other day in the mornings. I pat it dry to begin with, then I wrap my head with a towel and leave it like that until my hair is no longer soaked. I brush my hair out from roots to tips and detangle. When my hair is still damp, I put my hydrating style cream in and let it sink in for a while. Depending on what the weather’s like, I’ll either blow dry my hair or let it dry naturally in the open air. Since English weather tends to be either cold or wet though (surprise!”>, I usually end up blow-drying my curls, combing my fingers through them as I’m drying. Then I’m out the door with umbrella at the ready!

Read More: Return of the Curls Natural Hair Expo

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