48 west 22 street ground floor
New York, NY 10010, United States

Stylist: maria

I personally made an account to review this salon. Firstly, let me say when I went inside the salon I felt immediately uncomfortable. The girl literally side eyes the other stylist going "Do you see her hair?" I then spent 45 minutes under the sink because the girl knotted my hair and had to untangle. To make things worse when I went to sit down I had a huge crown of large flakes(dandruff) on my head.The next day I move my head a little and boom more flakes appear. I ended up having to go to a dermatologist in order to fix my allergic reaction. She did the worst straightening I had in years. I would compare my experience to Lemon Tree. I went to another salon a couple of weeks later. When she straighten my hair I could believe how horribly uneven the hair cut she gave me. I don't understand how someone can fail such a simple blow and cut, but congrats Maria, you did. The fact that this salon has so many positive reviews from yelp and citysearch makes me to believe that they delete any negative comments.

Reviewed on: 09.09.10