128 South 19th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103, United States

Stylist: Matt and Artur

Not a single CG styling product in the place. 1 diffuser in the whole place. The stylist Matt, owner (Artur), and stylist who shampooed me had no clue about using an adequate amount of conditioner to detangle my hair or to apply products to wet hair. They did not know how to style my hair. It was such a frizzy mess when I was paying that I told the receptionist I was embarrassed about how it looked. She was apologetic and said Matt could add more product, but I knew that would make it worse, it had one of the more frizz-causing cones in it and who knows what else. And it wasn't until I got home and looked at my hair in normal light (that place is very dim for a salon) that I noticed the extent of what was wrong with my hair-- the color. There was a Groupon for this place, the reviews (no reviews on this site though) were good, and they cut hair dry, so I thought this would be a good place to try. Plus all I was going for was to get single process color on my roots. How could a stylist mess that up? Well, they did. :( Matt colored my roots 2-3 levels darker than my base color, and very unevenly. Formerly medium reddish-brown, the roots in the front for a few inches were almost black. I'm low porosity, Matt said he made my roots darker on purpose. He also upsold me a "glossing" because he said my highlights looked faded. This darkened my entire base color and took the red tone entirely out! I left with my hair damp, so I couldn't even assess the depth of the color until I got home and my hair was dry. I was very upset and eventually called and left a message for the owner, Artur to call me. Instead he had my original stylist Matt call me, who said he thought my hair looked great, but if I wanted it lightened he could fix it. Um, no, not letting him touch my hair again. I ended up having Artur and another stylist attempt to fix it. They were very nice about everything, but all they did was lighten my roots a little and add a few highlights to my base color. This was a very disappointing and expensive experience ($120 including a $20 off coupon, plus tips). The owner and receptioninst were very nice, but they ruined my color and do not have curl-friendly products or know how to style curly hair.

Reviewed on: 12.06.12