122 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060, United States

Stylist: Christi

I've been getting my hair cut by Susan at Devachan for years, and she and the CG method have never done me wrong. But now I live in Western Mass and wanted to find someone local, so I followed the recommendations of some curly friends and found Christi. She doesn't do CG, but she is knowledgeable about curly hair. (She herself is a wavy, maybe a 2B?) I did a consult with her before doing a cut and color, and she really seemed to understand my hair. Though she cut it wet, she did a great, careful job, twisting and plumping up individual curls before going farther, being very conservative about how much she cut from the curlier parts. (I'm a mix of 2C in back to 3B-C in front!) She let me sit under a dryer for just a few minutes. So, in all, I'm really happy with how my hair came out. We made a change, but did it intelligently. I trust her not to mess up my hair -- I really think she understands it! I'll definitely be going back to her. Just FYI, this is an Aveda salon, so the products aren't CG, but in my opinion they're still basically pretty good for your hair. :)

Reviewed on: 28.02.14