This weekend, beauty professionals from all over the world will be taking over the land-o-Disney for Premiere Orlando, the largest beauty industry event of the year! I’ll be on the ground chatting with vendors, snapping pictures, and interviewing stylists to bring YOU, yes you, you NaturallyCurly-ites, the latest, greatest, and hottest from the show!

Out of the the hundreds upon hundreds of vendors and education programs here are a few things that I’m really excited to check out:

Curly Hair Tips/Tricks/Products/Styles: A no-brainer, yes, but flat irons, blow dryers, extensions, and straightening treatments still reign supreme. With a keen eye, however, there are always textured diamonds in the rough waiting to be discovered. I can’t wait to unearth this year’s gems!

premier orlando

Orlando Here We Come!

The Main Stage: I fully expect to be dazzled by the world’s leading stylists who will be taking center stage and showing off their inspired looks at the “International Hair and Fashion Theater”. Nick Arrojo, Ted Gibson (of What Not To Wear”>, and the Paul Mitchell team to name a few who I’m looking forward to seeing.

The ”Upside Down Speed Cutting” seminar: Really!? Never thought I would use those words together in a sentence, but I’m intrigued and must know what this is all about. Must.

The Fight or Flight of the Keratin Treatment Series: Currently the Premiere Orlando program lists at least 10 different sessions on different Keratin treatments. But these popular – yet polarizing- straightening treatments have recently been under federal fire in the media for their allegedly high levels of formaldahyde. I’m interested to see how this recent news is being handled by these companies and stylists.

BONUS EXTRA CURRICULAR EVENT:The Curly Nikki meet up on Saturday June 4th! Curls!Mingling!Cocktails!Ohmy! I’m totally there so if you’re in Orlando, be sure to stop through! I would love to meet you!

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