As women, multi-tasking is ingrained in our DNA. With the idea of summer and multi-tasking, we had a curl chatter session with Jenn Brassen, Cibu Brand Manager, who offered up her crafty suggestions in multi-tasking your oil hair products. Cibu is the creator of the Ancient Serum which is a lightweight, alcohol-free argan oil treatment for all hair and body types.

Argan oil-based products are not just for your coils, waves and kinks anymore. Cibu has several other suggestions to make life more fun this summer:

  • Multiple uses in the shower, such as shaving with oil versus soap or cream. I tried this one as it intrigued me and it did make my legs softer.
  • Post-shaving lotion. Use oil after shaving instead of other lotions. It’s better base product than baby oil.
  • Need some shine from all the summer sun? Add oil last to your hair routine when you do braids or up-dos or even if you’re leaving it down to blow in the wind. A small amount can add just the right amount of shine in the sun.
  • Protect those locks when you hit the pool or beach. Oil coats the cuticle so can protect your hair color as well as your hair from sun damage.
  • Great for skin, nails and more. Use as a hand and nail treatment, especially during hot and cold months. Add to your bath water and your skin will come out feeling extra soft.
  • Nothing beats dry skin better than oil. Apply it all over for smoother and silkier skin.

So many types of oils are now on the market but we have noticed that all hair types can benefit from oil treatments, especially during the harsh summer months. Whether you are using it while the hair is wet or dry — add oil this summer to your routine. As you can see, oil is not just for your hair only. Multi-tasking and getting the most out of any product you purchase is key.

Thanks to Jenn Mapp and Cibu, the creators of Ancient Serum, for providing these fun summer tips. Jenn say, “Just put the oil everywhere!”

Now try that at home.

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