In the natural hair world, whether you have waves, curls or kinks, the blogosphere is essential. Were it not for all of the brave and die-hard naturals out there who took to their video cameras and computers to blast out the word that natural was a way of life and everyone should hop on board, we wouldn’t be here (heck, NaturallyCurly was one of those!”>.

All of us have watched at least ONE, if not hundreds, of styling videos and read through even more styling tips looking for the perfect wavy, curly or kinky hairstyle, regimen, prep technique, on and on and on. So in celebration of our curly celebrity month of love, we bring you curly vloggers who are celebrities in their own right, and to us!

Meet Kirstin Walker

Vlogger Jadison03 shows us how to wet bun type 4 hair (plus she is the creator of “Sh*t Some Relaxed Girls Say“”>.

See more Videos

Check out NaturallyCurly’s YouTube channel for hundreds of styling videos, plus reviews and curly hair tips!

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