Taylor Swift with straight hair on the cover of Bazaar

Taylor Swift is seemingly backing the “straight hair as high fashion” image. First she caved to Vogue, and with the layers and bangs in the cut they gave her, we all knew those curls we loved weren’t coming back anytime soon.

Then, Taylor released a statement about liking straight hair better in the winter. Our hearts dropped. Our curls, even, loosed their tight coil a bit. Had she not not known how much we admire and adore those ringlets of hers?

No hard feelings, of course. Everyone is entitled to their own style, and Taylor still has textured hair, even if it is hiding under heat processing. The girl still looks amazing, that certainly can’t be denied.

But it is a bit heartbreaking to see that high fashion magazines see straight hair on curly celebs as more in “vogue,” literally. Of course, scan through any issue of Vogue, and you’ll see tons of textured hair too, usually on women with naturally straight hair.

It all comes down to this: why can’t a woman’s natural texture be high fashion? Perhaps we will never know the answer. So to ease our broken hearts, we’ve taken the most famous love ballads of all time, and are singing them to Taylor’s curls, longing for the day that they embrace her shoulders and frame her face once again.

Can’t Help Missing Those Curls

Wise men say only fools rush in

But I can’t help missing those curly ringlets

Shall they stay

Would it be a sin

If they ne’er come back again?

Like a river flows surely to the sea

Curly girl, so it goes

Some things are meant to be

Take my compliments, my admiration too

For I can’t help missing those curls on you


I’ll be lovin’ those curls, always

With a love that’s true, always

When the curls you had

Need a helpin’ hand

I will understand always, always

High fashion magazines may not be fair, always

That’s when curls should be there, always

Not for just an hour, not for just a day

Not for just a year, but always

Curls Fall to Pieces

Curls fall to pieces

Each time you straighten again

Curls fall to pieces

How can they be just your friend

You want curls to act like we’ve never frizzed

You want curls to forget, pretend we’ve never met

And curls tired and curls tried but haven’t yet

You straighten, and curls falls to pieces

Curls fall to pieces

Each time someone speaks of you straight

Curls fall to pieces

Time only adds to the flame

You tell curls to find someone else to love

Someone who’ll love us too, the way you used to do

But each time curls go out with someone new

You walk by with straight hair, and curls fall to pieces

Got some love ballads of your own to sing to the long gone days of Taylor’s curls? Let us see ’em!

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