Amanda Statham

Amanda Statham

Master Stylist and Artistic Director

Ann Kelso Salon

Austin, Texas

1400 S Congress Ave

Austin, TX 78704

(512″> 467-2663

Q: How many years of experience do you have?

A: As a master stylist for 13 years, I have been deeply involved in the burgeoning Austin fashion scene.

Q: What influences your creative style?

A: My experience in major music, fashion, film and editorial styling throughout the region has afforded me the venue for the type of creative exploration and expression that has helped Austin and Ann Kelso Salon burst onto the national style scene. Lisa Lobe, Go-Go’s, Austin Music Awards, Flashback, Blender, and countless commercial and independent films are just a few of the places you can experience my interpretation of the increasingly popular “Austin Style”.

Q: What are some of your responsibilities around the salon?

A: As one of Ann Kelso’s design team leaders, it is my responsibility to inspire and motivate staff to create and deliver the authentic urban glamour that Ann Kelso Salon is known for in the city.

Q: What is your perspective on fashion, style and beauty?

A: Currently we’re in a very cool place where every single era is in style. The possibilities and combinations are endless and it’s my passion to take things that feel standard – and tweak them – to create something fabulous for my clients. And my “anything goes” personality doesn’t just make it possible, it makes it a reality.

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