
7. Madonna

She’s bold, she’s beautiful, and she’s got the waves. Being internationally recognized, no biography bit is needed; this pop superstar has done it all. She shocked the world with “Like a Prayer,” and now she’s changing the world with Raising Malawi. Raising Malawi, an effort to end poverty in southeast Africa, was founded by this pop star only four years ago. Malawi has over 2 million orphans suffering from lack of food, clean water, or proper medical care. Madonna works with Raising Malawi to support community-based organizations in providing these orphans and impoverished families with basic care. Madonna is passionate about ending poverty in Malawi, and helping these children get access to a quality education, healthcare, and nourishing food. Her belief in helping others is perfectly represented by the Ubuntu saying “I am because we are” or “without you there is no me.”

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