If you’ve recently gone natural, figuring out a hair care regimen can be a frustrating experience. Sometimes, we try new products with no luck. But sometimes, that’s also how some of the best product ideas are born.

Inspired by her frustration with struggling to care for her swimmer’s Type 4c hair, a mother wanted to use a single product that could moisturize, condition and detangle and was simple enough for a child to apply. Then, Especially Hair Moisture Foundation was born.

When I was told this product is meant to be “the curly hair wash-and-go solution,” I had to give it a try. Here are the featured ingredients:

  • Panthenol is used to draw moisture into the hair shaft for added fullness.
  • Avocado Oil is lightweight and contains high amounts of vitamin E to moisturize thirsty strands.
  • Jojoba Oil will hydrate your hair deep inside the shaft of the hair.

For coily-curly type 3c to 4c natural hair, the founders recommend using this as a leave-in type product after shampooing or co-washing. Apply the foundation to the hairline and spread it back to ends of your hair. Allow your hair to air dry or style as usual.

For wavy type hair, use this as a deep conditioner treatment; apply to the hairline and let it sit for 3 to 5 minutes. Lightly rinse, then style as usual.

First impression

When I opened this product for the first time, I was taken aback by the strange viscosity of the product because it’s almost like a custard and has more hold than a traditional conditioner or deep conditioner. It didn’t take me long to figure out that smoothing just a small amount of product throughout my hair adds the right amount of slip when conditioning.

Once I applied this product, I let it sit for the rest of my shower–probably around 10 minutes total–and then lightly rinsed it out. By lightly rinsing out I mean I don’t aggressively attempt to remove the product, and don’t mind having some leftover.

My waves felt much softer after the product rinsed out. I was able to run my fingers through my hair without feeling the heaviness. I followed up my deep condition with a diffuser breaking breaking up my hard hold gel for natural definition.

My results were incredibly positive, I was definitely unsure about leaving any of a deep conditioner in my hair but was happily surprised at the lightness that it provided!  After getting use to the product a little bit I found that squishing in a little after I was done with my shower was all I needed as a leave in, and a cream for styling my hair as well, making a super simple routine of only having to put gel for hold on top.

For those with finer hair you may want to skip leaving any additional product on the hair as it can weigh it down if not careful.  For my daughter’s super fine 2a/2b hair I found that using this as a deep conditioner alone and then rinsing out completely was enough moisture for her curls and all I needed on top was a super light gel to keep the curls in place.

Final thoughts

This deep conditioner truly has multiple uses. If used correctly and in the right amount, it can really simplify a wash day for a wavy, curly or coily. It detangles like a dream and leaves hair noticeably moisturized. After being unsure of how exactly a product marketed as a deep conditioner could do so much, I happily realized to never judge a product simply by its name again.

Watch my YouTube videos for more hair product reviews @The Polished Curl

Have you found a nighttime routine that works for your waves? This is how to pineapple short, wavy & curly hair. 

Not sure what Type 4c and Type 2a means? Find out here.  

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