Capella Salon

“Water is the essence of life.” – Shai Amiel

NC: You have just recently started raising money for clean water; can you tell us more about this and why you think it’s important?

SA: Water is the essence of life. We can go without food for a lot longer than we can without water. Water is the key to life. Everything that is made needs water in the process. All hair products have a water base.

There are so many people in the world who don’t have access to clean water. They are helpless and don’t have any means of creating clean water supply. Charity Water will go to third-world countries and bring either a faucet to the middle of the village or open up a well for the people to get clean water. It’s just amazing to see the reaction of the people when they finally have access to clean water.

Hairdressers are in contact with people on a daily basis. Our clients look up to us and listen to what we have to say. It is so easy for us as a community to get together for this cause. We can impact so many people that would just love to get involved. It only takes $20 to supply clean water for one person or $5000 to create a well for a village. It just feels really good to help those who can’t help themselves.

I bought the domain for; right now it is redirected to the Facebook page we created, but soon we’ll have a site there. Our Twitter account is up and running and we’re gaining followers quickly. Follow us at

I also love this charity water because I don’t have to handle the money. All donations go straight to the organization. I love how simple their campaign is and that 100% of all contributions will go straight to the people. They don’t have lavish offices or expensive operations. We have a donation link on our site for anybody who wants to donate to our campaign. It is a tax-deductible donation as well.

Our Curls Night Out event raised $150 so I matched it and sent $300 to charity water. That inspired me to go for a larger-scale campaign.

Capella Salon was featured as NaturallyCurly’s Salon of the Month in November 2007

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