NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

EL: For several seasons, straight hair was on trend. Now everyone wants curly hair! And if you have naturally curly hair, you’re lucky because 90% of the work is already done…you just have to tweak a few things to really bring out your curls. I also think curly hair is the perfect texture if you’re active and like to play sports or work out.

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

EL: Lose the blow dryers and flat irons! Try wearing your hair natural, even if it is just for one day. You will look younger and you will receive tons of compliments. You will also love how low maintenance curly hair can be. Educate yourself (I recommend watching YouTube videos”> on how to care for and style your curls, get the right products and use techniques that work for your hair type. Wear your curls proudly!

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects.

EL: I’m planning to make a Facebook account dedicated to curly hair—how to style it and the best products for each hair type and texture. It will have lots of pictures and tutorials.

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