Julia Rizzo

Julia Rizzo

This month, we are excited to launch a new column especially for curly teens. Julia Rizzo is a teenager living in Central New York. When not writing, she enjoys acting, reading and snow skiing. She has loved writing as long as she can remember, and plans to pursue a career in English. She hopes her column will provide encouragement and inspire girls to love their curly hair.

As teenage girls, we feel a lot of pressure to look and act a certain way. But what’s most important is not looking like a perceived idea of perfection, but being confident in yourself.

If you believe that you are beautiful and radiant, chances are that’s the impression other people will get.

A growing number of women already have opted for the romantic and feminine look of curly hair — from Hollywood to the homeroom.

Naturally curly is about embracing an attitude. It’s about loving who you are, your spunk, your vitality and your uniqueness. It’s not about looking down upon those who aren’t naturally curly, or, on the other hand, envying them. It’s about accepting the things that make you who you are.

I’d like to think my hair mirrors my personality. It’s lively, bouncy and versatile. It’s never exactly the same two days in a row. In life, and with my hair, I try not to be flat, lifeless or artificial.

I remember one evening where I went to the effort of straightening my hair. As I struggled with my blowdryer and straightening iron, I winced at the thought of the damage I was inflicting on my curls.

When I walked into school the next morning, I didn’t get the ‘oohing’ and ‘ahhing’ response I had hoped for. Instead, my friends told me it wasn’t me and it didn’t match my style. They knew and appreciated me as I am and didn’t think I needed to change at all.

I think that was the moment when I realized the importance of being who you are and the value of being comfortable with yourself. Loving your hair is a great first step.

Email your questions/comments to Julia.

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