Photo by David Pimborough — Getty Images

Molasses is a thick syrup produced from processed sugar cane. The largest producers of this sticky and sweet by-product and processing of sugarcane are Brazil, India, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and the United States. Blackstrap molasses gained quite a bit of popularity in the mid-20th century, especially for health conscious eaters. 

The difference between regular molasses and blackstrap is that regular molasses is the first or second boiling of cane sugar syrup while blackstrap is made from the third boiling with iron levels increasing by 5%.

Benefits of blackstrap molasses

Blackstrap molasses contains vitamin B6, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium manganese, potassium, and selenium. It has the highest amount of antioxidants compared to refined sugar, corn syrup, raw cane sugar, and other available sweeteners. This is a safe sweetener for diabetics because unlike refined sugar, blackstrap molasses has a moderate glycemic load of only 55. It has a laxative quality and helps with headaches and fatigue. White sugar and corn syrup are virtually stripped of all nutrients except carbs and artificial sweeteners like saccharine and aspartame can sometimes cause health problems. Blackstrap molasses is by far a healthier and more satisfying sweetener option in the sugar wars.

4 reasons to use blackstrap molassess for hair

There are amazing reasons you need to try this natural sweetener for your hair.

1. The minerals & nutrients

Blackstrap molasses is chock-full with minerals and nutrients. Its high copper content helps the body to produce melanin, the pigment responsible for hair color. Those same nutrients help nourish and strengthen the strands.

2. Natural deep conditioning

It is also a rich natural deep conditioner that helps the hair to become silky and smooth. Consuming blackstrap molasses daily can contribute to overall good hair health over time while using externally will help to soften and add shine to grays.

3. The antioxidants

Copper is the powerhouse for better hair quality in the composition of blackstrap molasses with iron a close second but those antioxidants are not just sitting around doing nothing. Manganese is a potent antioxidant that contributes to healthy scalp by fighting free radical activities and oxidative stress. Stress affects hair just like it affects the rest of the body by contributing to premature aging and even hair loss.

4. Natural cleansing

Blackstrap molasses can also be used as a shampoo but the sticky thickness may be a turn off. One way is to dilute the molasses with water or mixing with hair-friendly ingredient like coconut milk and allow it to sit on the scalp for 15 min. Wash it off with warm water and those nutrients will have nourished and cleansed your scalp effectively. If that does not sound appealing, there are other solutions just as effective will less of a sticky mess.

Blackstrap Deep Conditioning Hair Mask

Want to try molasses right away? Here’s a deep conditioning hair mask that requires just a few ingredients and will leave your hair and scalp feeling silky and smooth.

What you’ll need

  • 2 tbsp. blackstrap molasses
  • ¼ cup plain whole-milk yogurt
  • 1 Tsp. ACV
  • 2 drops rosemary essential oil (optional”>


Whisk together all ingredients except rosemary well. Add essential oil after mixed and massage into scalp and hair. Cover with shower cap and leave on up to 15 min. before shampooing. Style as usual.

Have you tried blackstrap molasses and if so ever for your hair?

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