Ditching the sulfate shampoo in favor of a tea rinse is a great way to add shine, reduce shedding, fight dandruff and stimulate hair growth.

Photo courtesy of Jeja — Getty Images

Ditching the sulfate shampoo in favor of a tea rinse is a great way to add shine, reduce shedding, fight dandruff and stimulate hair growth. Incorporating tea rinses in your hair care regimen is a simple yet effective way to stimulate hair growth, enhance shine, minimize shedding and hair loss, soothe the scalp, fight dandruff, and more. Depending on the tea you choose, you may also be able to boost the color or your curls. With such a wide variety of herbs and teas to choose from your hair will never get bored and you can even try different combinations to see which ones your hair likes best. 

How to use a tea rinse

A tea rinse is not only economical, but also very easy to prepare. You simply add your tea or herb to boiling water and let it steep for at least 15 minutes. Let the tea cool and then pour your it over your hair after shampooing.  If you prefer, you could also spray the tea onto your hair instead of pouring it. Depending on your personal regimen, you may use your tea rinse before or after deep conditioning. Let the tea soak into the hair for at least 30 minutes before rinsing, or leave it in for added moisture benefits. Here are a few tea rinses to try. 

Green tea + black tea + coffee rinse

Most teas–actual teas and not herbs–have small quantities of caffeine. Caffeine is able to penetrate the hair strands and help stimulate growth by increasing the flow of blood to the scalp. There are also antioxidants and amino acids in teas. Antioxidants and amino acids help to strengthen the hair, increase shine, soften the hair and increase manageability. Black tea has even more caffeine than coffee and the caffeine from these brews help to combat hair loss by blocking DHT (the hormone that causes hair loss”>. Black tea and coffee rinses will darken hair naturally.

Rooibos tea rinse

Got red hair?  Rooibos, aka red bush tea, is an herb from the rooibos plant grown in South Africa. Rooibos tea has benefits similar to green tea, except rooibos is caffeine-free. This makes rooibos an alternative for those who need to avoid caffeine, such as women who are breastfeeding and children. Rooibos tea is enriched with minerals such as copper, potassium, zinc, and calcium, all of which contribute to healthy hair growth. Red bush tea has anti-inflammatory properties that fight dandruff and soothe the scalp so this is the tea for you if you’re looking for a little relief from scalp irritation.

Rosemary tea rinse

Rosemary tea conditions the hair and boosts its shine and body. It is soothing to the scalp, fights dandruff and stimulates the follicles to promote hair growth. To use the tea as a cleansing rinse, massage it into the scalp after applying. A rosemary tea rinse will leave your hair smelling fresh and clean, which makes it a great option for cleansing the hair and scalp after you work-out.

As always, it is important to listen to your hair in order to determine what rinses it likes best and provides the improvements and benefits you are looking for in your hair.

Have you done a tea rinse?

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