LaShon James-Major

NaturallyCurly: Please introduce yourself!

LaShon James-Major: My name is LaShon and I am a curly girl from Long Beach, CA.

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls?

LJM: After seeing what the perm chemical did to the soda can in the movie “Good Hair,” I decided that I was no longer going to perm my hair. I figured that if the chemical could eat metal, it probably wasn’t good for my hair.

NC: What is your current routine?

LJM: My current regimen is to wash, detangle and deep condition my hair on a weekly basis. I suffer from dry scalp, so I also do weekly hot oil treatments and, because I have fine hair, I do frequent protein treatments.

NC: So from start to finish, on a curly day, what’s your process?

LJM: I wet my hair and then apply DevaCurl One Condition. Then I apply As I Am Curling Jelly and let my hair dry.

MORE: Real Texture Talk: Jennifer Stewart

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