It’s been two months since my Brazilian Blowout, and I have really liked the results. They are not dramatic, by any means, especially compared to others who have gotten it. But it was exactly what I was looking for – less shrinkage, less frizz, a little looser.

So now, as the humidity cranks it up a notch here in Central Texas, I plan to make an appointment for a touch-up. What started as a scary experiment has turned out to be a pleasant surprise. I like the new, slightly different texture of my hair. I will be interested to see how the texture will change by doing it again, and will share my results with everyone.

I will say that one of the benefits of a keratin treatment like this is that it grows out gradually – loose curls and waves start to tighten up slowly. This is good for those of us who may tend to procrastinate about making appointments for hair color or other types of maintenance.

I’ve also been encouraged to hear about a trend in the industry to create different levels of keratin treatments to meet the needs of a variety of customers – from those like me that want to wear their hair curly to those who want a straighter look. I think it reflects a bigger trend. One size no longer fits all. Texture at all ends of the spectrum are being embraced. And options – once in short supply for us curly girls – are now readily available to us.

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