hair accessoriesCreated on Flower clip,; Feather clips,; Gold headband,; Embellished claw clip,; Embellished hair comb,; Vintage pin/clip,;

Are you starting to feel stressed about a big event? Here’s one thing you can relax about: your hair.

People, particularly women, get stressed because of the idea of “perfection” they build up in their heads that they can’t possibly live up to. Every time I’ve stressed about anything, it’s never been worth it, and I’ve looked back and thought, “I can’t believe I did it again!”

Let yourself off the hook a little bit. One way to do that is with your hair. Sure, you want your hair to look beautiful, but people will mostly respond to how you feel. If you feel calm, you will radiate beauty. People want to see a happy person, not the perfect-hair person who is obviously stressed.

QUIZ: How Stressed Are You?

Schedule your cut and color now so it’s out of the way and you’re not trying to squeeze appointments into your busy schedule. Then add a few easy styles to your hair routine so you can look pulled together, but with ease and effortlessness.

Hair Accessories

Simple pins, clips and headbands from the drugstore — in metallic silver or gold, black, tortoiseshell or a bit of crystal — are great because they present the idea that you’ve made an effort, even if all you’ve done is add a clip to your regular hairstyle. It’s a simple psychological trick. Something as easy as side part and a plain bobby pin can work wonders.

Read More: Finding Your Signature Hairstyle

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