No matter where you are in your curl journey, you’re going to want to focus your attention on healthy natural hair growth.

How to Build a Natural Hair Regimen to Promote Growth

Photo — Jessica Felicio

From the most seasoned Naturalista to the bright-eyed, bushy-tailed big chopper, you will need natural hair products that are specially formulated for your texture.

How to Build a Natural Hair Regimen to Promote Growth

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So, let’s get you set up for success!

You can use the following steps every week to enhance your texture’s appearance and stimulate growth.

How to Build a Natural Hair Regimen to Promote Growth

My expertise is in maintaining the health of your tight curls and kinky hair with Luster Products. Many of you have told me how much you love our new Pink Shea Butter Coconut Collection, and I’m so happy to help you build a natural hair regimen to promote growth with every item.

How to Build a Natural Hair Regimen to Promote Growth

Follow me on IG for more natural hair tips!

Shampoo, condition, and detangle

I know you’ve most likely heard that healthy hair starts with a clean scalp and moisturized strands, and I agree. According to natural hair expert Evelyn Ngugi there’s a reason why we must shampoo our hair.

“When we use shampoo, the focus should be on our scalps, since that’s where the dirt’s at,” Ngugi states, “Apply the product to your roots and scalp, scrub with the fingertips, and the lather will make its way down your hair.”

For a fresh start, you’ll want to cleanse your curls with Luster’s Pink Shea Butter & Coconut Oil Sulfate-Free Moisturizing Shampoo. If you have bleached or color treated curls, you’ll love that this shampoo contains Luster’s Color-Save Protection so that you can keep your super cute color intact!

Follow up with a Moisturizing & Smoothing Conditioner to not only add nourishment to your curls but to detangle them. With the conditioner saturating my curls, I use a wide-toothed comb to detangle them, from ends to roots, because it gives every strand slip and a hearty dose of Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that deeply moisturizes the hair strand.

Deep condition and strengthen your curls.

After rinsing out the conditioner, I like to deep condition to ensure every one of my curls becomes supple enough for future styling.

One thing I always recommend is steaming your hair while deep conditioning. When you steam your hair, you’re causing the cuticle layers to lift up and allow the deep conditioner’s ingredients to penetrate the strand.

Steam the hair between 5-15 minutes, depending on the type of steamer you have. If you’re using a DIY-method to steam, you may want to steam a bit longer (20-22 mins”>. Always thoroughly rinse out the deep conditioner.

Then, apply Shea Butter & Coconut Oil Leave-In Conditioner to your hair. Depending on your hair’s texture and porosity, adjust the amount of the leave-in you need. I recommend starting with a small amount. If you can feel that your hair need more leave-in, apply more.

Moisturize every hair strand and seal your ends.

Your wash isn’t complete without moisturizing every hair strand with a nourishing formula that won’t create a film on your hair. My favorite natural hair product to use for this step is our Moisturizing Hair Milk. It’s lightweight and contains argan, avocado, and olive oil, all of which every Naturalista needs for her textured hair.

Since my hair is bleached and I’ve been experimenting with protective styles such as fishtail braids and braided ponytails, I absolutely must use this moisturizer to keep my hair healthy. You’ll love it, too!

How to Build a Natural Hair Regimen to Promote Growth

Photo — @resabluster

To continue facilitating growth, always seal the ends of your hair. Since the ends of your natural hair are the driest, sealing them with a reliable oil is essential. If you find that the hair milk is enough of a sealant for your curls, especially for those of you with high porosity natural hair, that’s great! I believe that you’ll absolutely find that it works wonders for your texture.

Now that your wash day is complete, it’s time to set your hairstyle for the week ahead.

What’s so wonderful about our natural hair is its versatility. However, we need to ensure that every curl is thoroughly hydrated when setting hairstyles like Bantu knots, twist outs, and cornrows. So when you style your hair, make sure you’re using natural hair products that provide hydration and bring out the best in your texture.

How to Build a Natural Hair Regimen to Promote Growth

Photo — Jessica Felicio

I recommend our Super Moisturizing Curl Definer to enhance the natural sheen of your hair, and the Shea Butter & Coconut Oil Curl & Twist Pudding for your fingercoils and braid outs. Make sure you wrap your hair with a satin scarf or wear a satin-lined bonnet to sleep so that when you wake up in the morning, you can style your curls and lay your edges with Smooth & Hold Edge Gel.

This post is sponsored by Luster Products.

Excited to try this regimen? Tell me about your #hairgoals here and on my Instagram @resabluster!

How to Build a Natural Hair Regimen to Promote Growth

Follow Luster on Instagram today!
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