Windy Days

Windy Weather

You know the wind is going to blow your hair away, so don’t try anything too slick or composed. Instead, go for that tousled look that the wind will only aid!

  • Get out the curling iron. Use a large-barrel curling iron to give you wide twists that the wind can blow around and increase the messy-sexy factor.
  • Use the ponytail to your advantage. When you are on your way to your date, tie up your hair in a ponytail to keep the wind from tangling it too much. When you reach your destination, undo the ponytail and run through your waves with your fingertips for a quick brush through. If done right, it could give you a sexy entrance.
  • Try a scarf! Tie it around your head like a head band, leaving the end to twirl in the wind with your locks.
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