In our latest series, My Middle School Beauty Blunders, NaturallyCurly editors discuss that one awkward phase we sometimes wish could have come with a redo: our pre-teen years. This is what content editor, Lauren, had to say about that time.

I think at one point I rocked copious amounts of glitter eyeshadow in an attempt to look at least like a 7th grader — but I wasn’t fooling anyone.

At this age, I also discovered lipgloss, on top of jamming the Lil Mama song real hard, so that dollar store Strawberry flavored gloss was it for me honey. My biggest mistake was by far the lipgloss. Whoever decided ultra shiny lips were a thing, should have reconsidered. I would stain everything! Also, not knowing how to take care of my very acne prone at the skin at the time was such a hot mess.

Advice to my 7th grade self?

Don’t get sidetracked by that cute boy from New Orleans. I know girl, he was super cute, but talk about a total heartbreaker! Oh yeah, and practical advice: Stop wearing ponytails. You are breaking your hair off in the middle. *crying emoji*

My favorite hairstyle by far was the half-up, half-down or the side swoop bang with the rest of my hair worn down. But the catch is, I didn’t have a bang! So it just looked like I plastered my hair on one side, and always had pieces sticking out. Lawd, middle school was a hot mess.

I was honestly trying to be Avril Lavigne.

I was super into studs, and trucker hats, and eyeliner, and all things Hot Topic. Haha. Not too much has changed from this, but yeah, Avril was my girl.

I just remember middle school being a lot of attitude, a lot of wanting to fit in, and a lot of finding my own path.

The transition from 6th grade Lauren to 8th grade Lauren was a metamorphosis, and definitely a fun journey. Those preteen years were nothing nice, but they were some of my most transformative.

Those preteen years were nothing nice, but they were some of my most transformative.

Want more from Lauren? Of course you do.

Read one of her latest, Unity In Color Houston, A Feminist Visual Experience and follow her on Instagram @whatsuplauren_

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