Dear CurlyNikki: Nikki, your skin is so clear and even. What’s your regimen?


Water does wonders

Dear Jennifer: Believe it or not, I don’t have a skin regimen. I’m not a makeup person, and while I may dibble and dabble in the occasional eyeliner or mascara, I don’t wear any foundation. There’s a tinted moisturizer by SmashBox I like (and recommend”>, but still usually opt for a bare face with a dab of lip gloss.

With that said, I cleanse my face twice daily—with water only most days, and probably twice a week with Cetaphil’s Daily Facial Cleanser. I also love the Yes to Cucumbers Face Cleanser Towelettes. I apply Cetaphil’s Daily Facial Moisturizer every morning after washing my face, and pure shea butter every night before retiring. That’s it!

I’ve never had acne-prone skin, but my monthly visitor usually brings about a HUGE, monstrosity of a pimple… right in the middle of my chin. I let it do what it do, because when popped, leaves a horrible hyper-pigmented spot that lingers for months. For my skin, less is definitely more.

That’s mine, what’s yours? Does it change with the seasons?

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