touching hair


Cleansing is a big deal in hair care, as dirty hair is not healthy hair and no matter what you do, you have to manipulate your strands. Here’s a secret…in order to loosen the dirt, product, and tangles, allow the water run on your hair for about 2-3 minutes. You can even gently massage your scalp to help! It really works. Now, what I’m not saying is that the dirt and tangles will miraculously dissolve, but you will be allowing your hair to become fully saturated and more manageable.

Wash your hair in sections. I cannot say this enough! Sectioning your hair in at least four sections will give you less hair to work with for tangles and that means less manipulation. Some things cannot be eliminated so working in sections will allow you to concentrate your efforts and save much heartache and hairs!

Try pre-pooing if your detangling sessions on washdays are nerve-racking. It may seem like pre-pooing is increasing manipulation, but in all actuality you are allowing your hair to maintain the oils it needs even after it’s been cleansed, and that is much easier to comb through than a dry tangled mess.

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