over hair manipulation


Most curlies use generous amounts of conditioner, as it helps with hydrating your curls and can make detangling easier, but if you want to decrease manipulation then try putting down the wide tooth comb. Gasp, yes, I said it! Use your fingers and actually feel your hair as your detangle and shingle conditioner through it. This is more about being gentler to your hair than less manipulation, but the end result is the same.

Sectioning your hair during the conditioning process works the same way as in the cleansing process with the same amazing results. Less tension on less hair yields big benefits in the hair saving category.

Splurge on the deep conditioner. I’m not saying buy the most expensive, but buy the one that works the best and many times it’s the more expensive one. It’s so worth it as a great deep conditioner can shape how your hair will act during the week or until you wash again. Your best deep conditioner will fortify your strands with moisture and gives your hair life. As it infuses your hair strands with nutrients, it temporarily repairs your hair and makes it shiny. All of these reasons will lead to less manipulation because your hair will be in better shape and need less work from you.

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