Dear CurlySuzy: I can’t decide what type of curls I have. My hair is shoulder-length, processed and medium to course in texture. Areas of my hair have ringlets and others larger curls. If left alone with no product it is a frizz machine. With product I can make it look ok until I recently had it highlighted. Here is the issue. Now I am REALLY, REALLY dry. It gets in tiny knots, it doesn’t look smooth on the ends, and I can even see split ends. I need product advice to get my hair back in condition.

Dear Aimee: The answer is deep conditioning! Once a week for 30 minutes with heat. Follow with a cool rinse. That should really make a world of difference. Also use a sulfate-free cleanser. That will preserve your highlights and will be a lot more moisturizing. I will give you a bunch of suggestions below. I also really love Aubrey Organics HoneySuckle Rose cleanser and conditioner. (usually in health food sections of grocery stores and we will be selling it soon at CurlMart!

You might also want to think about trimming the end just a bit. Here is a link to our salon search if you need a good Curly Stylist.

Deep Conditioners

Sulfate-free Cleansers and Favorite Conditioners

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