Hey Curlfriend,

In response to the negative comments and hair shaming in the past week on social media we want to take a moment to remind you of the importance of this diverse community we have built that welcomes and embraces all textured hair types.

A Personal Letter To Our NaturallyCurly Readers

Image: Brio Photography

Together, our own team represents a diverse range of ethnicities, cultures, lifestyles, ages and more. We truly believe that there is a special beauty in the power of storytelling, which is what we encourage amongst and within this community.

NaturallyCurly was founded over 20 years ago to create a safe online space where women of all hair types, from wavy to coily, could connect and share their real hair experiences to learn from each other to properly care for their own. It is a place where we are connected over a common mission – to embrace our natural texture.

The NC community is rooted in self-love, sisterhood, education and support.

In order to create a space for open dialogue we have to be conscious of the cultural connection to hair and understand that it’s not “just hair.” Recognize that everyone has different hair struggles and experiences.

To be clear, women with wavy hair will have much different struggles than women with curly and coily hair and vice versa. Everyone has unique hair stories and experiences. No one hair type has more hierarchy than the other.

We can coexist. We can respect each other’s differences and learn from each other.

The NaturallyCurly platform does not encourage, or tolerate, divisiveness or discrimination of any kind. Learning from one another is key through healthy, honest conversations.

Our community was created with both inclusiveness and diversity in mind and we hope to continue spreading images of love and positivity to our beloved community.

“Since founding NaturallyCurly 20 years ago, the highlight has been to see women of all texture types and ethnicities unite to inspire and help each other. We may have completely different hair journeys, but we all came together to support each other in a world where textured hair was too often seen as something to be fixed. I spent nearly three decades of my life fighting my curly hair. Growing up, I was bullied and called names. I was told that my curls were unattractive and that I needed to straighten them to be attractive. I have learned so much from our amazing community, and I want this to continue to be a positive place, whether you have curly, coily or wavy hair.” -Michelle Breyer, Co-Founder of NaturallyCurly

A Personal Letter To Our NaturallyCurly Readers

Image: Brio Photography

Much love from the NC team,

Ps. We want to hear from you in the comments. Let us know how we can continue to facilitate a safe space for healthy and honest conversations?

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