Tangle Teezer for detangling curly hair

Tangle Teezer

As a detangler, the Tangle Teezer does what it’s supposed to do very efficiently. The tangles literally melt because the teeth are extremely flexible. Instead of just getting stuck in the tangles or ripping them out, the Teezer gently coaxes tangles until they unwind. The noise it makes can be misleading. That scratching sound can freak you out a few times and cause you to periodically check the brush to check to be sure you haven’t ripped out a huge chunk of hair. It also does a decent job at catching the shed hair.

My main issues with this product are the lack of a handle and the design and spacing of the teeth. I loved this product when I first used it and might have gone overboard with its use because the split ends appeared soon after. It was then that the rose colored glasses came off and I took a closer look at this brush. The teeth for one are not as smooth as I would have liked. Unlike the seamless teeth of the Denman and wide toothed combs, some ends of the teeth on the Teezer are jagged and could snag the hair. The teeth are also quite close together and you don’t have the option of removing some of them for modification.

I find it quite annoying that there is no handle. While I understand and appreciate what they attempted to do by making the teezer the perfect shape to fit in your palm, the design got really annoying in record time. When wet, the plastic it is made of becomes very slippery and the slip and slide game of the Teezer whizzing all around the bathtub begins.

Read More: Coily Beginner’s Guide: Detangling Natural Hair

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