NC: What reaction did you get when you first decided to go natural?

Diane: It wasn’t anything dramatic really…more like, “Oh, you’re wearing your hair curly now!” Now that I have grown my hair out and consistently take care of it, I get a lot of compliments. I’m still not used to it! 

NC: Did you big chop or transition?

Diane: I did not big chop, but I had to grow out my old relaxer, which took years. The bottom of my hair was straighter than the top and also thinner, since the chemicals had really taken a toll on my hair.  

I had a lot of curly girl insecurities growing up. When I was a child my hair was horrible—I got called mean names because of it. 

NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

Diane: I can work out or go out in rain and I never have to freak out that the hours spent getting my hair to look halfway decent was a waste. It looks better curly and is much more care and worry free!


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