NC: What are your favorite hairstyles to wear?

EB: I call my hair my biggest accessory. A t-shirt-jeans look turns stylish and glamorous once I let down my hair. They look so beautiful all the time! Of course, given Indian weather, it is mostly hot, so I tend to pull them up in a high pony during the hot day and leave them down in the evenings. On special occasions? Free-fall or a side-pony. I also recently tried a low side bun with lots of texture, it looks amazing. 

NC: What are your must-have products and tools?

EB: Olive oil, olive oil, olive oil! I can’t think of any product that can replace olive oil. Of course, a wide-toothed comb is also a necessity.

NC: What about your hair stylist?

EB: I do not have many options when it comes to hair stylists. I have been to the best of salons and to the average ones. Mostly, hair stylist do not know what to do with my kind of hair, so they end up just giving me a cut with layers. When it comes to styling my hair, I rely on NaturallyCurly and YouTube for tips and videos. 

NC: What do you do at nighttime for your hair?

EB: I usually leave my curls down or tie them up in a high bun.

NC: What reaction did you get when you first decided to go natural?

EB: A slap! It took some time for people to appreciate my curls. Some would make fun of me by calling names that meant a bird’s nest, a bee-hive, a thick dense-forest, etc. My mother always said that I am unique with my curly hair and not just another face in the crowd. Her words were and shall always be my savior. 

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