NC: What reaction did you get when you first decided to go natural?

MB: Applause! Everyone really supported the idea.

NC: Did you ever chop off a significant amount of hair?

MB: I did a HUGE chop at the end of 2006, when I was in esthetics school. I went from my hair being mid-back length to a graduated bob that sat at mid-neck in the back and gradually lengthened to a little below my jawline in the front. I kept it trimmed that length for maybe a year and then began growing my hair out. 

NC: Did you ever have any curly girl insecurities?

MB: Growing up in grades 3-6 I think is where I held most insecurities. I wanted to look like other girls…I didn’t want frizzy, crazy hair after playing outside! I wanted to wear ponytails without bumps! For some reason that was a “cool” thing at that time and I hated having bumps. 

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