In English

NaturallyCurly: When did you start embracing your curls?

Curly Penny: I started embracing curls when I was 15 years old. I was the kind of girl who piled on makeup and straighten her hair out of self-hatred. Without makeup and straight hair I had very low self-esteem, so I made the decision to throw away all my makeup and start embracing my natural texture. I had to go cold turkey, because that’s the way I roll. It was really tough at first, but I have been completely natural for three years and I am more confident than ever. I wear makeup about twice a year, only for very special occasions and I never want to go back to how I used to be.

What’s your daily hair routine?

Curly Penny: I am super lazy when it comes to my hair haha! This is only because it is easy to take care of. All I do is put water in it in the morning and I am ready for the day.

What’s your nighttime routine?

Curly Penny: All I do is pineapple it into a loose bun and sleep on a satin pillow.

What are your go-to styles?

Curly Penny: Like I mentioned before, I am super lazy with my hair haha. It is down literally 99.99% of the time. Sometimes I’ll rock three braids.

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