NC: What reaction did you get when you first decided to go natural? 

AA: I’ve always been natural, so I didn’t really get a reaction. If anything, I got reactions when I straightened my hair!

NC: Did you ever have any curly girl insecurities? 

AA: I had a ton of insecurities because of how big my hair is and how hard it is to control. I hate swimming and sweating, because my hair frizzes right up afterwards! 

NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

AA: Not everyone has curls! I love that it makes me unique.

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

AA: Throw some product in your curls, wear them loose, and be confident! 

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects!

AA: I’m finishing up my last semester of college and then I will most likely move back to New Jersey and hopefully end up working in New York City.

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