NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

KB: It’s being you. I have come to believe that it’s not about looking like someone else — it’s about looking our best as individuals. Learn to work whatever you have been born with! It’s about being and looking YOUR best not someone else’s best. I also found that going natural was freeing. I can sweat all I want at the gym, get in the water and sleep how I want, just being free!

NC: How do you think having curly hair impacts your everyday life?

KB: Not only do my curls look good, but I feel good about looking my best. It gives me confidence and people see that and give compliments. I’m secure in who I am, and that always looks good.

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

KB: It’s a freeing experience, AND it’s cheaper! With the right products, cut and color, your hair can look great! Others can and have done it — so can you. It’s a leap of faith for many, but I say try it! It’s just hair.

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects!

KB: Right now I am involved with my church’s play production for Christmas. It’s about the importance of family and about how love is the center of the family and Christ is the center of love. The Christmas season can be tough on families. Sometimes we can lose sight on what is really important because of all the parties and desire for presents but what really matters is family and being there with and for them.

MORE: Real Texture Talk: Rhonda Lee

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