What is your hair regimen (including fav products”>?

Shampoo – I wash my hair once a week L’Oreal for curly hair (Evercurl Shampoo“>. I wash my hair upside down because I have this feeling that it creates more volume (I don’t know if it’s true, lol”>.

Condition – After I shampoo my hair two times, I condition (also L’Oreal“> my hair and wash it out! After that I leave my hair in a towel for 15 minutes. This is because my hair doesn’t dry fast.

Leave-In – After I remove the towel, I put in leave-in conditioner that I buy in a local store for 1 euro, very cheap… but I have never had a better product! Also I can use the leave in conditioner that L’Oreal has for curly hair.

Dry – After this I just let it air dry. In a cold country such as the Netherlands, it’s best to let it dry in the house but when I’m in a warm country, I love to let it dry in the wind.

Nighttime – When I go to sleep, I sleep with a high ponytail and in the morning I just untie my hair and run my fingers through it.. I don’t put anything in it until I wash my hair again; otherwise, my curls stay hard and it won’t bounce naturally anymore.

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