Deborah Williams with her naturally curly hair

NC: What is the best thing about being curly? How has having curly hair impacted your life?

DW: You’re instantly unique — it affects everything from your personality to your style and how you interact with people.

NC: Does having curly hair affect your everyday life?

DW: It’s part of who I am. I wouldn’t be me without my curls. They’ve forced me be a little non-traditional, confident and comfortable with who I am. My curls helped me understand that it is okay to be different, have my own opinions and be my own person. I think these are lessons we all learn at some point in life, but having curly hair pushed me to accept these things early on. Thank goodness!

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

DW: Sometimes I see little girls with their unruly curls thrown up in a messy ponytail and I just want to tell them it will be okay. There will be a day when you will love your hair. I also want to shout, “Go to It’ll change your life!”

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects. Tell us about your life and what you are up to!

DW: In May, I graduated with my masters in advertising from the University of Texas at Austin. I’m currently interning at a great agency in Portland, Oregon and look forward to landing my dream job. The rest is to-be-continued, and I can’t wait!

Read More: A Hair Makeover That Blows

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