tamara curly hair

What is your favorite DIY hair recipe?

Tamara:  After my coconut-olive oil blend, it would have to be the whipped shea butter with aloe vera gel (shealoe”>. It is a very simple recipe that you can literally use from head to toe. The shea butter seals in moisture and its SPF properties protect skin and hair from the harmful UV rays. It is totally a win in my book.

What ingredients does your hair love?

Tamara: First and foremost, my hair loves water and then coconut oil and aloe vera juice. Really, my hair needs and loves anything that is hydrating.

What ingredients does your hair hate?

Tamara: I realized very early that my hair has a great dislike for mineral oil. It’s ok in my deep conditioner but not in my moisturizing products. It leaves my hair hard and parched. And I don’t even want to talk about the tangles.

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