I just discovered an incredible website that I have to share with you! I mean I literally just found it a few moments ago! Why haven’t I heard about this website before? Are you ready? It is called Happy Girl Hair and you have to check it out! Maintained by the white mother of two little girls adopted from Ethiopia, Happy Girl Hair is a parent’s dream site with product recommendations, video demonstrations of hair styles, Q&A, and so much more. Truly, I am inspired. I want to meet this lady. I want to meet her for lunch TODAY. Unfortunately, or more like fortunately for her, I have no idea where she is in this world and she more than likely already has plans for lunch today.

Happy Girls Hair Homepage

Check the Happy Girl Hair Website out!

Learning to properly care for my children’s hair has been an adventure. I learned the basics with my oldest daughter, Madison, and mastered a number of styles for her hair. Much to my surprise, very little of this information applied to daughter #2, McKenzie. The learning process started all over again. Madison has long, lose curls that are soft. McKenzie has tight, coarse curls that need constant moisture. When daughter #3 came along, I immediately recognized her curls were more like McKenzie’s than Madison’s and would require similar attention. Did I mention Morgan is ridiculously strong? She has proven to be the most challenging to keep seated while I comb her hair. My living room turns into a 3-ring circus when I style Morgan’s hair. I feel certain some of you can relate.

My girls are growing up before my eyes and this includes their hair. I am doing cartwheels this morning reading Happy Girl Hair because I need inspiration! I think I might be in a hair rut with my girls. I need new ideas and to watch demonstrations on new styles. As you may remember, McKenzie graduated from puff balls to twists when she started kindergarten in August. Her hair has come such a long way since the day she came home to us at 17 months old. While it still isn’t long enough to do some of the styles I use in Madison’s hair, I am itching for new ideas. Happy Girl Hair has given me so much to think about and my wheels are turning!

I regularly tell my girls how much fun I have styling their hair. You see, my hair will never do much more than what you see in the picture to the right. I either have volume or I don’t. That is it. With my children’s hair I have a creative freedom that is empowering to all of us. I love their curls! I love the challenge of mastering a new style! And I love to be inspired. Check out Happy Girl Hair. I am willing to bet you will be inspired too.

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