I noticed that a lot of the women that are casted have natural hair. Is this intentional or just a result of vast women accepting their natural hair, including actresses?

It’s largely intentional. First of all natural hair is so diverse and that it keeps us having the most interesting and beautiful women. Seeing women respond to casting notices and they basically all have the same type of wig or weave in is so boring. We want to be intrigued by what we look at and have it reflect our culture in a way that’s often put to the side or not celebrated. We don’t have a mandate though. We have actresses that wear their hair straight as their characters or in their real life – or wear weaves that are straight – or more of a naturally curly or kinky texture. We have variety is the point. A true variety of beauty and intriguing looking women, and men I might add.

How do you care for Rockwelle’s hair?

Oh I’m terrible. I hate to see her cry or even say ouch. I co-wash her hair just like I do mine and I’ll twist it into Bantu knots from time to time to help with the tangles. In the morning I spray it with Curly Q’s La La Meringue Curl Moisturizer and I finger comb it. She mostly wears a little ‘fro every day. Occasionally I will brush it up into a top knot or pin the sides with bobby pins to give her a slight frohawk look. I use the olive oil leave-in conditioner on her hair when I can get her to sit still and let me moisturize it throughout. Her hair is in no way perfect every day. I’m not that kind of mom. It’s very low key and she’s 3. Her hair is very healthy, strong, and 100% natural though so I am very proud of that.

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