We love your reviews and the information for Moms on your blog. As a busy Mom of 4 kids how do you make time for caring for your natural hair, let alone blogging and vlogging?

Wow, that’s a great question! *DEEP BREATH* I like to call it ‘controlled chaos’.   The reality is that maintaining a disciplined schedule is the key.  I wake up early, kiss the hubby goodbye, and then get the kids ready for school. After breakfast, I drop them off at their respective schools and enjoy a brief respite: Starbucks coffee and the morning news. From 9-11am I concentrate on the housework.  Then it is my time for business!  Between blogging, vlogging, networking, and caring for my hair, the hours fly by. By mid afternoon its time to pick up my kids again, and then back to being an awesome mom.

(If you don’t believe me, just ask my kids… well, maybe, just take my word for it!”>

When did you start blogging?

It’s hard to remember definitively, but I think 2011.

How did you become a successful blogger/guru?

It’s funny, but I don’t consider myself to be a guru.  Granted, I have had some success, but that can largely be attributed to the many mentors I’ve had along the way.  And possibly, that innate stubborn streak (I like to call it work ethic”> that makes people either love or hate me!

What do you like most about blogging?

Great question!  What I like most about blogging is the platform my blog provides to reach such a broad based audience.  I feel like in life, people all have the same basic needs: we want to be loved, we want to love, we want to matter, and we want to share our experiences.  Not quite up to Maslow’s Hierarchy, but close, right?  Blogging provides the platform for me to do these things on a national and international level.

What do you want to do beyond your blog?

Wow, another great question that requires bullet points:

  • Be the best mom in the world
  • Be the best wife in the world
  • Be embraced by the ones that matter
  • Help those less fortunate than me
  • Further my acting career
  • And be a good person in general.
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