What are your favorite products?

As a former product junkie, I’m happy to say that my list is very small as of recently.  There is a cliché that goes something like, “less is more”.  Well, after trying almost everything under the sun (believe me”>, I came to realize that a lot of the products were unduly hyped.  These are the products on which I rely on a daily, weekly & monthly basis:

Trader Joe’s: Nourish Spa | Shampoo & Conditioner, Trader Joe’s: Tea Tree Tingle | Shampoo & Conditioner, Trader Joe’s: Coconut Oil, EcoStyler Gel | Krystal & Olive Oil, Braggs: (ACV”> Apple Cider Vinegar, Lily Of The Desert | Aloe Vera Juice (Whole Leaf”>, CrecePelo | Deep Conditioner (Dominican”>, Random MISC Products When My PJ’ism Kicks In!


What’s your nighttime routine?

Chocolate, Anderson Cooper, Channel 4 & 5 news, never, never land LOL!  I wish. But my nighttime routine is actually quite simple… depending on the hairstyle, it varies but usually I put in a pineapple along with a bonnet and I’m good to go!

How did you get your hair color (if applicable”>, how do you maintain it?

I haven’t colored my hair as a “Natural” but I’ve thought about it! I DO Henna my hair, which leaves a slight color on my strands, mainly my greys! Ha, ha!

Do you ever get tired of curly hair?

To be honest, I occasionally get tired of curly hair when it’s washday. It requires more maintenance and ‘time’ which is taxed as it is due to my hectic schedule. I would LOVE to just simply ‘Wash & Go’ but that is NOT a reality in my curly haired life!!! In addition, I have 4 other curly heads to do besides my own; that in it-self is tiring BUT I’m always down for the challenge! 

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