Hi, NaturallyCurly World! Thanks for clicking to read this product review – I’m pumped to share my heat-damaged hair saving discovery with you today!

Photo by Cassandra JK

My Curls Were Damaged From Months of Neglect

Okay, so that’s a bit dramatic. I love my coils, and I do take very good care of them. However, because I am a lazy natural who was not visiting her hair stylist for regular trims, my curls suffered a bit of environmental-based heat damage. My ends were a light brown, a clear indication of the sun kissing my coils a bit too long.

And I know that this is my fault.

My low porosity, Type 4 coils are prone to dryness because my hair strands are more coarse than medium in width, causing me to strike a balance when it comes to product selection and application. And I chose to let the hair strands fall where they may – BAD IDEA.

I needed to help my curls. So, I got a trim. But I knew that I needed to maintain my coils’ health after trimming off the heat damage. What was I to do?!

Trying Something New By Revisiting the Tried and True

As a product junkie who has the great fortune to work in curly girl heaven, I was overwhelmed with hair repair options at every turn.

After scouring the office shelves for a few minutes, I decided to try something new: a combination of a detangler and shampoo. Fortunately, I have found that both Honey Baby Naturals Knot My Honey Instant Detangler and Honey Baby Naturals Honeychild Moisture & Scalp Balance Gentle Shampoo are great for my entire head of curls.

I wanted to see how both of these items worked together since I tend to mix varying brand formulas on a regular basis. I must say, this is my favorite combination to date!

And this is a simple 2-step process that takes no time to complete!

  1. Work those fairy knots out of your curls with Honey Baby Naturals Knot My Honey Instant Detangler. The slip this detangler has will help you work through your hair in just a few moments. Depending on your porosity and hair width, you may need to take extra time to smoosh and squeeze the detangler into your curls so that each strand gets moisture loaded.
  2. Once your curls are detangled, squeeze a half dollar-sized amount of Honey Baby Naturals Honeychild Moisture & Scalp Balance Gentle Shampoo into your hands. Work the shampoo into your curls, enjoy the sudsing, and gently rub dirt and debris from your scalp and hair strands. Once you rinse the shampoo out, your curls will feel hydrated and look healthy.

Post-shampooing, the only thing you need to do is let your curls air dry! And let me just tell you that you need to be prepared to smell like heaven all day long.

Air Dry After Shampooing? You Must Be Out Your Curly Mind, Gerilyn!

I hear you, curl friend. This combination works for me, but if you want to use your favorite rinse out and leave-in conditioners post-shampooing, go for it! You know what works for you ;”>

For those of us that love hair oils, I recommend massaging your favorite oils onto your scalp before and after detangling and shampooing your hair. This is one of the easiest ways you can keep your curls hydrated all day long. For curl definition, rub a small amount of your favorite gel between your palms and gently rub your curls and ends with it. Make sure you fluff and shape and scrunch to your heart’s desire to get the look you want!

All photos in editorial by Cassandra JK

My afro responds beautifully to this line. I am going to continue to use this combination on my hair to prevent heat- and sun damage. Because this line is so hydrating, I recommend women of all texture types give this detangling and shampooing combination a try.

Have you given this line a try? Will you try it in the future? You know that I’m always here for your comments and insights, so hit me up in the comments. We’ll talk soon!

As ever, stay curly!

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