Use great detangling products

Whether washing, conditioning, or styling use products that are water-based and help your fingers or wide tooth comb glide through the hair. It’s worth the extra money (if they cost more”> to  prevent your child from wincing and crying through detangling sessions. If shampoos are leaving her hair in dry tangles, then try a gentler brand or a cleansing conditioner.

Try styles that tend to last longer

Braids are a great style for tender-headed children. Sounds like just the opposite? Well, not really if you do not braid too tightly and understand that moisturizing and wrapping the braids in a satin scarf at night is the only maintenance needed. She may be willing to sit a little longer and not whine if she knows this happens about once a week or once every two weeks. She’ll enjoy the breaks in between.

Be gentle and use proper tools

Take your time when combing, brushing, or braiding your child’s hair. Sometimes we are rushing to get out the house or get them off to bed, but in our haste we tend to be rougher and can create a harder experience for our children. Take your time and use the proper tools (wide tooth comb, tangle teezer, etc.”> so you have minimal tears streaming down their faces and hairs in the comb. We want their hair to stay a positive component within their childhood so take extra steps to ensure it stays that way by being gentle to their beautiful tresses and they will follow suit into adulthood.

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