Tips to Care for Your Kids Hair Before and After the Pool

Photo courtesy of Destiney Green

With summer comes prolonged time in the sun, and it is important to know how to care for your little one’s hair to avoid untimely damage.

Pools carry high levels of chlorine, plus other toxic chemicals, and even nature’s own saltwater is harmful in large quantities.

To avoid great havoc, prime your child’s hair, which will make it easier to clarify after a day of swimming. It is best to wash their hair before entering the pool or any other body of water, and as odd as it may sound, swimming with clean hair will prevent the harmful chemicals from being soaked up by the hair.

Next, you want to add another coat of protection by oiling all hair strands to keep salt and chemicals from penetrating and drying up your kids’ hair. You can use coconut, jojoba, or olive oil to lock in moisture and protect hair from brittleness (pro tip for grown-ups: this will also protect your color-treated hair”>. If you are not a fan of oils, a leave-in conditioner will do the trick just as well. You can even try both for maximum moisture! SoCozy Splash Swim Leave-In Treatment + Detangler for Kids is great for before and after being in the water. It contains natural ingredients that protect, repair, and restore their hair while clarifying strands from all harmful build-up.

After moisturizing, a protective style is recommended, such as braids or a bun. This will help you avoid tangles (and prevent major drama during the post-swim detangling stage”>. Swimming caps are a great option for when rinsing and moisturizing aren’t an option; they keep all harmful chemicals from being absorbed and minimize tangling.

Tips to Care for Your Kids Hair Before and After the Pool

Photo courtesy of Lorenzo Kadience

After the fun is over, clarify and condition their hair to to fight any chemical, salt, or sun damage. Remember to handle your child’s hair as gently as possible, because wet hair is weaker and can break more easily. Divide hair into sections and rinse thoroughly one by one rather than working with all the hair together.

California Baby Swimmer’s Defense Shampoo & Bodywash is a great 2-in-1 product that helps rebalance the pH of the hair while gently washing away the pool’s chemicals from their hair and skin. This product contains organic ingredients that moisturize quickly and won’t be harsh on their skin or eyes. Another option to rinse out chlorine could be Anti-Chlorine Shampoo Swimmer Kids: Mango and is great for daily use.

After clarifying, make sure to deep condition their hair to bring back its moisture. California Baby Hair Conditioner Swimmer’s Defense is perfect to follow up after shampooing to prevent split ends. We recommend taking your time when it comes to moisture,but if you’re in a rush, SoCozy Splash Swim 3 in 1 Shampoo + Conditioner, is the go-to product to clarify and condition all in one step.

After the washing and conditioning process, continue to add another layer of moisture with a leave-in conditioner, then detangle with a wide-tooth comb to avoid too much hair breakage. Finally, add a layer of oil such as shea or coconut to lock in intense moisture and avoid brittleness in the future.

What other tips and tricks do you have to care for your child’s hair when out in the water? Let us know!

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