The decision to go natural is tough for any woman and sometimes, going back to the straightener and relaxer seems easier. This was me nearly 4 years ago.

woman with short natural hair

When I was transitioning I continued to rely on relaxers and straighteners because I feared what my hair would be like after the fact. Going natural was definitely not easy, but I took all that I learned for this experience to share with others that are considering or even in the beginning stages of their natural hair. Here are my tips for the new natural.

1. Learn how to care for your hair.

Let’s be real here. It’s unrealistic to think anyone could achieve the same wash and style each time. Come to terms with what taking care of your hair looks like and how to do what’s best for you. We tend to get caught up in trying different products and always searching for “the one,” but this can lead to a lot of disappointment for new naturals. Instead, focus on a set regimen to get your hair in its best shape and health.

2. Don’t worry about not perfecting your wash and style routine right away.

It took time and trial and error but I found a wash routine that fits into my busy schedule and meets my hair needs. I couldn’t tell you how many times I tried a wash & go before I found the combination of products and styling techniques that gave me great results. Be patient!

3. Ignore the Noise.

As naturals, we all hear it all the time. “Your hair is frizzy” and “but I like your hair straight.” These are the phrases we commonly hear when we wear our hair out. Ignore the noise of others in your ear when it comes to your hair, and style it the way you feel comfortable. They will eventually see the health and beauty of natural curly, coily hair–and if they don’t, who cares?

4. Stick with it.

Understand that your natural hair journey will be far from perfect–in fact, expect to experience highs and lows. Don’t return to straighteners when the going gets tough or when a product just doesn’t work. Consider other factors, such as hair health and your combination of products, or even just the weather, before giving up on a product or style.

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Need more tips about transitioning? Click here.

Design Essentials Coconut & Monoi Curl Enhancing Dual Hydration Milk will help during your transition. Have you tried it?

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