Image: Getty

Trimming your own hair is something that I have done, and something that has probably crossed your mind a few times. If you are not confident, and fear making a mistake, then you should not trim your own natural hair. You should definitely consult with a stylist to get a trim. No one wants split ends that make your hair look dry and damaged. Don’t hang onto damaged hair; it’s best to cut it off so you can continue on your heathy hair journey.

I think you should get a trim every eight weeks. Some naturals go longer and only trim their hair every twelve weeks or more. Ultimately, you should trim your hair when your ends warrant it.

Sometimes you don’t have the money to go to your hairstylist, and you feel confident enough that you can do it yourself at home. If this is the case, there are YouTube tutorials with techniques that you can use to trim your own hair at home. Here are a few ways that you can trim your hair at home.

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Twist or braid method

This method entails separating your hair into sections, and twisting or braiding into smaller sections. Then, trim each twist one at a time. Make sure to only cut one-fourth to one-half an inch. This method is good for naturalistas with shorter hair.

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Trimming your hair while stretched

This technique is great for beginners. You would part your hair in medium sized vertical sections, and then spray your ends with water. The next step is to detangle the hair. Then, use a comb to stretch your hair, and hold it tight between your fingers to clip the damaged split ends.

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Blow-dry and flat iron trimming

This method is better for those naturals with longer hair. After washing your hair and applying a heat protectant, blow-dry, and lightly flat iron. This makes it easier to achieve an even finish. Place a section between your fingers, smooth it out with a comb from roots to ends, and dust the hair evenly to get rid of the ends that are damaged.

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Search and destroy method

This is a popular method among many naturals. This method involves searching for split ends and damaged hair, and only trimming those strands. Achieving evenness or layers is not the priority.

These are many of the ways that you can trim your hair, and they are each equally effective in their own way. Before starting, make sure you feel confident, and then determine which method best fits your hair’s needs. Remember, if you are not comfortable cutting or trimming your own hair, then consult a hairstylist and get a professional trim.

Would you trim your own hair? Do you trim your own hair? What technique do you use? Let us know in the comments!

This article was originally published in 2016 and has been updated.

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