Carey Mulligan

Day 2: Short Hair

With pixie-short hair, headbands are the best way to add a bit of glitz without breaking a sweat. They’re also great for diverting attention away from limp or dirty locks. Take your cues from Carey Mulligan, and opt for a thin, diamanté version for formal events, or braided fabric and leather headbands for more of a boho feel. To wear, style your hair and bangs as you normally would, and then gently place the headband where you would like it to sit. Avoid pushing the headband into position, which will exaggerate oily textures and muss up face-framing pieces.

Tip: For a whimsical, tiara effect, place your headband closer to your hairline.

Works best for: Wavy or Curly Type 2-3

Read More: Curly Hair Tips for Great Second-Day Curls

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