Beauty Hacks for Fall

Image: iStock

As we transition to colder weather, fashion trends shift and bring skincare and makeup routines with them. Pull out your exfoliators, moisturizers, and deeper lipsticks before you head out to grab your pumpkin spice lattes and gingerbread.

A classic of fall is a warm brown lipstick, but I say the deeper the color the bette. If you’re too nervous to wear bold lippies in the summer, now’s your time to shine, right?


From eyes to lips

For a trick, pick your favorite shadow formula and make it a lipstick.

Vaseline works fine but any chapstick will do. With a spoolie, scrape some of that shadow into the lid of the chapstick (you need less powder than you think so don’t go crazy the first try”>. For this trick the creamier the eyeshadow formula the better. Metallic lipsticks tend not to be everyone’s favorite so look for a good “satin” formula, one that’s not totally matte but possesses some shimmer.

You can use your finger to get a scoop of vaseline and mix it with the shadow and then apply straight to your lips. I would recommend a nice lip liner one shade deeper than the “lipstick” as this method can feather easily.

Beauty Hacks for Fall

Get your glow on

To avoid flaky or dry-looking skin, don’t skimp on your moisturizer, and to go the extra mile — find a way to glow! I’m going to give you two options to give your skin some extra glow.

If you’re a big primer fan, mix into your primer (in your palm”> a little powder highlighter (scraped out with a spoolie”> or a few drops of liquid highlighter. Applying this under foundation gives you a nice “glow from within” vibe.

If you’re not into priming, take a finishing spray or any facial spray and do the same — add powder highlighter to the bottle, shake well before each use. Finish your makeup with it or spray on a bare, but moisturized, face.


Reevaluate hair products

Just like your skin in the cold weather, your hair needs help retaining moisture as well. Try switching up your routine to include heavier products. Many curly girls like to switch from gels to creams during fall and winter. Mixing products is the perfect way to integrate a new routine to your texture — add a little bit at a time as you transition.

What are your favorite chilly weather beauty tips and tricks? Share with us in the comments section below so we can keep each other on point for this new season.

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